Our Partners.

  • AusHoopers

    AusHoopers is a media platform that showcases Australian basketball talent. AusHoopers looks to become a nationwide media-based brand that exposes and makes an impact on Australian basketball culture.

    Aligning with the G.O.E ethos to grow the game and talent in Australia, we haved partnered with AusHoopers across different projects including our Eagle Eye series and podcast with Coach Hesh.

  • Ethos Performance

    Ethos Performance is a premier sports performance facility with a unique environment that allows world class athletes to train alongside any person wanting to better themselves.

    Coach Caleb, as well as several of our G.O.E athletes, have worked with Ethos and personally attest to their top tier strength and conditioning coaches and care for their athletes.

    For more info about how you can train with Ethos and to understand G.O.E’s partnership, please contact us.